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BA in Foreign Languages

The BA in foreign languages prepares students for teaching careers at the secondary school level. Many go on to graduate study in language as well as research and professional work in government and private enterprise. Students chose a concentration in Chinese, French or Spanish.

Mohammad R. Salama

Mohammad R. Salama

I am a comparatist by training, post-colonialist through theory, and a cultural materialist in reading texts. But above all, I am an Arabist, with deep investment in classical texts, the literary features of the Qur'an, and the rise of Arabic literary theory concomitant with the birth of i‘jaz al-Qur...

Kristina Marie Olson

Kristina Marie Olson

My training is in medieval Italian literature, specifically the "tre corone" (the "three crowns") of Italian literature: Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio. I employ new approaches to reading and teaching this literary canon, often with an eye to understanding medieval conceptions of gender, sexuality an...